Curriculum Overview
Lalor North Primary School is committed to the Victorian Curriculum in the planning, teaching, learning and assessment of all curriculum programs.
The Victorian Curriculum sets out what every student should learn during their first eleven years of schooling. The curriculum is the common set of knowledge and skills required by students for life-long learning, social development and active and informed citizenship.
The Victorian Curriculum Design includes:
Health and Physical Education
The Humanities
- Civics and Citizenship
- Economics and Business
- Geography
- History
- Dance
- Drama
- Media
- Music
- Visual Arts
- Visual Communication Design
- Design and Technologies
- Digital Technologies
- Critical and Creative Thinking
- Ethical
- Intercultural
- Personal and Social
Diversity of Learners
The Victorian Curriculum F–10 has been developed to ensure that curriculum content and achievement standards enable continuous learning for all students, including:
- Students with disabilities and additional learning needs
- English as an additional language
- Gifted and talented students
Students with Disabilities and Additional Learning Needs
The objectives of the Victorian Curriculum are the same for all students. The curriculum offers flexibility for teachers to tailor their teaching in ways that provide rigorous, relevant and engaging learning and assessment opportunities for students with disabilities.
Most students with disabilities and additional learning needs can engage with the curriculum provided the necessary adjustments are made to the complexity of the curriculum content and to the means through which students demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and understanding.
For some learners, making adjustments to instructional processes and assessment strategies enables students to achieve educational standards commensurate with their peers.
For other students, teachers will need to make appropriate adjustments to the complexity of the curriculum content, focusing instruction on content different from that taught to others in their age group. It follows that adjustments will also need to be made to how the student’s progress is monitored, assessed and reported.
For a small percentage of students with disabilities and additional learning needs, their learning will be well below the Victorian Curriculum Foundation standards. Most of these students have a significant intellectual disability. ‘Towards Foundation Level Victorian Curriculum’ provides this cohort of students with access to curriculum content and standards that enable students to move toward the learning described at Foundation level.