About Our School

There is no other school like Lalor North Primary School...
Lalor North Primary School was established in 1971 and is situated in the residential suburb of Lalor in the northern suburbs of Victoria. We are a member of the Whittlesea network of schools. The school has a population of approximately 300 students with almost 70% of our school community have a language background other than English.
Our cultural diversity and love of languages sets us apart from any other school in Victoria and extends to the homes of both our students and staff. Our students speak many languages other than English, including: Punjabi, Vietnamese, Somali, Persian, Samoan, Albanian, Hindi, Macedonian, Greek, Nepali, Turkish, Urdu, Arabic, Tongan, Mandarin, Khmer, Gujarati, Chinese, Dinka, Tagalog, Afrikaans, Māori, Cantonese and others. We are certainly proud of the linguistic, cultural and social diversity of our community and our learning programs build on this rich heritage.
Lalor North Primary School leads Victoria in Bilingual education. Our Greek Bilingual Program began in 1977 and is the oldest continually operating Bilingual Curriculum Program in Victoria. Our Macedonian Bilingual Curriculum Program began in 1984 and has now reached its highest ever enrolment. Both of our bilingual programs enjoy tremendous support from local communities as well as being internationally recognised by the governments of Greece and Macedonia respectively. Languages are a strength for every student at Lalor North Primary School. Students learn through language and learn about language, participating in Greek, Macedonian or Italian. Our love of languages extends to the homes of all of our students.
The Lalor North Primary School community is strongly united to provide our students with every opportunity to gain the best possible educational experience possible through the provision of;
- Differentiated, in-depth, sequenced and cohesive learning programs aligned to and informed by the Victorian Curriculum
- Highly effective teaching, focussed on improving student outcomes, through a commitment to ongoing professional development, evidence-based practices, peer observations, Professional Learning Communities, coaching and mentoring, collective efficacy and collaboration
- An inclusive, safe, welcoming learning environment that is responsive to student voice and agency
- Rich, engaging, authentic, challenging learning tasks in every classroom, every session, every day
- Genuine partnerships and opportunities for community and parents to participate in learning and decision-making
- Rich feedback, which is deliberate and a driving factor to enable and extend students in their learning